The Chandigarh police have arrested an individual from Bihar, accused of raping and murdering an 8-year-old girl in Hallomajra. The police discovered the girl’s body amidst a heap of garbage three days after the crime was committed. The alleged perpetrator, identified as Hira Lal alias Guddu, a 39-year-old painter by profession, lured the girl to his rented accommodation on January 19 under the pretext of buying items from her store and subsequently carried out the heinous act. After committing the rape and murder, the accused disposed of the girl’s body in a bag and threw it into a jungle area during the night. Inspector Ram Ratan, SHO-31, informed that Hira Lal was apprehended from Nata Basti, Thana-Nawada, Ara, Bihar. Hira Lal has a criminal record, with four cases of theft registered against him in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. The accused has been presented before the district court and remanded in police custody for five days. The case came to light when the police registered a missing person’s report at Sector 31 Police Station. To efficiently handle the case of the missing girl and apprehend the perpetrators, a special team comprising officers from three police stations in South Division was formed under the supervision of Deputy Superintendent of Police Dalbir Singh.
On the night of January 21-22, 2024, the lifeless body of the minor girl was found in the jungle area near the public toilet close to Vegetable Market Ground, Phase 11 – Ramdarbar, Chandigarh. The operation to apprehend the suspects spanned seven days and covered approximately 2000 kilometers across West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar, resulting in the successful arrest of the accused.
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