Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann spearheaded the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) campaign for the upcoming 2024 general elections in Punjab. Unveiling two slogans, ‘Sansad Vichvi Bhagwant Mann, Khushaal Punjab Te Badhegi Shaan’ and ‘Punjab Banega Hero, Is Baar Tera Zero,’ the AAP emphasizes its state-centric approach. Focusing on 23 Lok Sabha constituencies as part of the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) bloc, AAP concentrates on 13 seats in Punjab. Kejriwal urged voters to support Mann, stating that winning all 13 seats would strengthen Punjab’s voice in Parliament.
Alleging central government interference, Kejriwal highlighted the stalled Rs 8,000 crore in dues to Punjab and accused attempts to topple the Mann government. He urged voters to back Mann’s fight against the BJP and the Governor.
Mann expressed gratitude for Kejriwal’s trust and emphasized the BJP-led central government’s obstructionist stance toward Punjab’s development. The AAP’s campaign in Punjab aims to secure all 13 seats, promising a robust parliamentary representation for the state’s progress.
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