The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), led by Arvind Kejriwal, has called for the resignation of Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, blaming him for the escalating crime in the national capital. AAP’s chief spokesperson, Priyanka Kakkar, accused the LG of failing to manage law and order, citing a series of high-profile crimes under his watch.
Kakkar highlighted several incidents, including a recent September 6th crime in Seemapuri where armed criminals openly fired 12 rounds in a club. She also mentioned the July 15th shooting at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital and the June 26th Pragati Maidan Tunnel robbery. Additionally, Kakkar referenced a Rs 25 crore heist in Jangpura, all caught on CCTV, to emphasize the deteriorating situation.
Kakkar pointed to NCRB data showing that Delhi has 1832 crimes per 1 lakh people, but only 30% of cases lead to chargesheets. She accused the BJP-controlled law and order of failing in states like Delhi, Manipur, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.
Demanding reforms and criticizing Saxena for not taking concrete action to improve police operations, Kakkar insisted the LG is more focused on undermining the Delhi government. AAP has demanded Saxena’s resignation, labeling him the most incompetent LG in Delhi’s history.
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