Ira Khan, the daughter of Aamir Khan, is getting married to Nupur Shikhare in Udaipur after formally tying the knot in a registered marriage. Tuesday night was the couple’s sangeet. At the event, the bride’s father attracted attention by dedicating a special song to his daughter. A number of videos from Ira and Nupur’s sangeet ceremony are becoming popular. The video of Aamir singing is one of them. In the videos, Aamir Khan’s ex-wife Kiran Rao and their son Azad joined him on stage, and the group sang a unique song in honor of Ira. They performed a number of songs, but one particularly lovely performance of “Phoolon Ka Taron Kaa” drew praise.
Nupur and Ira made a grand entry at the decked-up venue on the song ‘Afreen Afreen’.
Ira wore a beautiful red-colored lehenga with gold detailing on it. She elevated her ensemble with a veil covering her head.
Nupur was seen decked up in a grey suit.
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare solemnized their relationship via a registered marriage at Taj Lands End, Bandra in Mumbai on January 3.
Nupur arrived at the venue in a very cool way. He was wearing a black vest and white shorts as he jogged from his house to the venue.
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