A crackdown led by the Mumbai Police Crime Branch on December 2 resulted in the apprehension of 45 individuals, including 12 women, for their alleged involvement in illegal gambling at a 4-BHK flat in Khar. Acting on a tip-off received by Inspector Daya Nayak, the raid targeted a fifth-floor flat in a residential building, prompted by complaints from residents about unusual foot traffic.
During the raid, 38 customers engaged in games such as poker and teen-patti were found in the flat. The operation also led to the detention of three jockeys and four partners. The substantial haul included Rs 34 lakh in cash and plastic coins, valued at over Rs 1 crore, which were color-coded and distributed for gambling purposes.
While a complaint has been filed against the detainees at Khar police station, they have been released on bail. The owner of the property, suspected of orchestrating the illegal operations, is currently evading authorities.
In addition to this raid, the Mumbai Crime Branch has taken charge of the Mahadev Book illegal betting app case, touted as India’s largest illegal betting network. A five-member Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been established to delve deeper into the matter.
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