The Delhi Police published a message on its Twitter account earlier in September outlining four principles for driving safely. The tweet referenced the newly released Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor film “Brahmastra” when it declared that the laws are the “Driving Brahmastras” and included the phrases “speed limit, seat belts, following traffic signals, and keeping an eye on the rear view mirror.”
“Safe driving ka Brahmastra! #Brahmastra @aliaa08,” posted Delhi Police, tagging Alia Bhatt. The tweet was posted on September 9, the day of the film’s release.
The Delhi Police has launched a campaign to encourage drivers and passengers in the backseats of vehicles to buckle up. Over 50 persons have already received challans since the push started last week. Violations of the campaign carry a Rs 1,000 fine.
Following the passing of former Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry, there has been a lot of focus lately on road safety, particularly the wearing of seatbelts in the back. On September 4, Mistry and another passenger perished in an accident in Palghar, Maharashtra, while riding in a car. They were travelling from Ahmedabad to Mumbai in a car with a total of four people in it, including the driver.
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