In a horrifying incident in the village of Nagara, Samrala, a family using a heater to combat the intense cold in Punjab fell victim to toxic gas on Tuesday night. The situation worsened for the husband and wife, and their innocent 2-year-old child succumbed to the effects of the poisonous gas. The incident occurred around 9 PM when Anmolak Singh (27), along with his wife Sumanpreet Kaur and 2-year-old son Armaan, started using the heater in their bedroom after having dinner due to the cold.
After a short while of using the heater, toxic gas formed in the room, affecting all three family members. When the people nearby got information about the incident, the unconscious family members were taken out of the sealed room. Unfortunately, by then, 2-year-old Armaan had already passed away. The police arrived at the scene, and all three family members were rushed to Samrala Civil Hospital. The doctors declared the child dead, but after initial treatment, the husband and wife were referred to Chandigarh for further care.
Timely medical intervention led to an improvement in the condition of the husband and wife by morning, and they were subsequently discharged and sent home. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of using heating appliances safely, especially during extreme weather conditions. Authorities are also urging people to be cautious and take necessary precautions to avoid such unfortunate accidents.
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