Punjab Transport Minister Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, on Tuesday, announced that the newly launched Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) will be further extended to all private buses operating in the state. While reviewing the functioning of the Bus Tracking System Monitoring and Control Room at the head office of Punjab Roadways and PUNBUS here, Raja Warring said, the performance of buses of private operators wasn’t satisfactory in terms of safety, hence the installation of vehicle tracking system will be ensured in private buses as well. The minister also rang up depot general managers, drivers and conductors randomly to check the working of the system. The Transport Minister informed that this system has been implemented in 1450 buses of Punbus/Punjab Roadways so far, which has been ensuring security of women as panic buttons have been provided in buses in case of any emergency; transparent and time-bound travelling of buses with Central Control Room at Chandigarh. He said that VTS is checking over-speeding of buses, harsh braking and acceleration, overnight stay of buses, stoppage at any other place rather than designated stops, stay of buses on Dhabas for more than 25 minutes, route diversion, bypassing cities, missing stops, real time monitoring of arrival and departure of buses from counters, actual travel distance of buses etc.
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