Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has accused the BJP of disturbing the atmosphere of communal harmony, saying that due to this the situation in the country is worrisome. While unemployment has assumed alarming proportions, violence is being spread in the name of religion in the country, the CM added. He alleged that the coal crisis is the result of faulty policies of the central government due to which power crisis is there.
The CM said that unemployment has gone up all the more as a result of industrial units being shut down due to the power crisis. Gehlot claimed that his government has launched several schemes which are benefiting the common man. He was responding to questions from press personnel here. On the issue of loudspeakers being removed from mosques, Gehlot said that the Constitution is being disrespected by these elements. The BJP and RSS have decided to divide the nation in the name of religion, he alleged. The CM alleged that they will ramp up their disruptive and violent activities in days to come to polarize the atmosphere. The Karauli incident was an experiment to whip up communal passion, he added. “I controlled the situation at Karauli immediately, he said. People of all religions then carried out processions on Ram Navami, the CM added. “But what they did in seven states during Ram Navami was aimed at spreading communal riots,” Gehlot remarked. He said that after riots there came bulldozers. When any riot happens, some innocents are also caught along with culprits, but they demolish the houses of those who were never involved in such acts, the CM said. I assured that if any innocent has been apprehended in connection with the Karauli incident, he will be left after the probe, Ashok Gehlot said. “But they bulldozed houses of innocent people in MP and UP,” CM alleged. He urged the youth to see through the conspiracy of such elements.
On the question of the allegation that Congress does politics of appeasement, Gehlot said that what happened in Rajgarh, Alwar was due to the municipality’s decision where BJP is in power. They passed a resolution and demolished the temple, Gehlot added. “Now they are trying to keep this issue alive so as to polarize the society to derive political mileage out of it,” Gehlot added.
On the power crisis, Gehlot said that 16 states are reeling under the power shortage. “We are making efforts to manage the situation in Rajasthan,” he said. I have sought cooperation from the public as well, urging them not to use unnecessary equipment so as to reduce load, he said. Water crisis is also there due to massive heat.
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