The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is likely to file a charge sheet this week in the Rs 200 crore extortion case against conman Sukesh Chandrashekar who allegedly duped the wife of the former promoter of Ranbaxy Shivinder Mohan Singh, sources in the agency told ANI on Thursday. ED has registered two cases of money laundering against Chandrasekhar, his wife Leena Maria Paul, his aides Deepak Ramdani, Pradeep Ramdani and others for duping Aditi Singh, wife of Shivinder Mohan Singh and Japna Singh wife of Malvinder Singh.
Conman Chandrasekhar has cheated Rs 200 crore from Aditi Singh by posing as a Law Ministry official who promised to help with her husband’s cases. After extorting Rs 200 cr from Aditi Singh conman cheated Japna Singh.
In October, the ED had quizzed Actor Jacqueline Fernandez and Nora Fatehi over their links with conman Sukesh Chandrasekar and his wife Leena Maria. Actor Jacqueline Fernandez was confronted with the conman and his wife.
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