The decision of the Punjab police on Friday to discharge Lovepreet Singh Toofan, an accused in a kidnapping and assault case, has raised multiple questions. If indeed Lovepreet is innocent why was he arrested in the first place and if there is evidence against him, why have the police and district authorities in Amritsar succumbed to pressure from Amritpal Singh, described in the State as a sympathiser of the Khalistan movement. The police announcement came on Thursday evening after Amritpal Singh and hundreds of his followers laid siege on the Ajnala police station and warned the administration that if Toofan, who was implicated in false cases, was not released, there could be serious consequences that would affect the law and order situation. Earlier, in a clash that took place, six police officials were injured though Amritpal claimed that they sustained injuries after they fell. There was evidently an undercurrent of tension in the entire district which could have spread to other parts of the State as well and the police decided to negotiate with the protestors. A senior official stated that as per evidence presented by the demonstrators, there was no case made out against Toofan and he would be discharged on Friday. A Special Investigation Team to probe the charges would also be constituted to go into the merits of the arrest. The impression created by the police decision is that they have not been able to face the pressure from Amritpal Singh who has a huge following and influence in the area and in order to defuse the situation decided to allow Toofan to go. Amritpal has claimed that many others have been similarly arrested from different parts of the State and they should also be released instead of being implicated in false cases. He has warned that the youth cannot be treated unlawfully as the repercussions can be serious. The Punjab police have over the past few months been trying to cope with what is described in intelligence circles as the rise of fundamentalism which could eventually lead to the demand for a separate state. The Punjab government has been assessing the situation as well but it is clear that the separatists and their supporters are having an upper hand at this stage. Those who have witnessed militancy in Punjab during the late 1970s till early 1990s, would testify that it was one of the most difficult phases through which the State passed. Change of political leadership and the narrative which emerged after the Punjab Assembly polls last year, indicated that Panthic politics stood diluted with the Shiromani Akali Dal faring very poorly. However, since then, the Akalis are consolidating their position but the political space is sought to be occupied by new players as well. Amritpal Singh is both articulate and astute and perhaps wants to use the current state of affairs to increase his foothold. The Punjab police and the authorities as well as central intelligence agencies should be more vigilant to ensure that the tranquility and peace in Punjab is not affected. The police should uphold the rule of law but at the same time not indulge in any kind of extra judicial actions. The border state is paramount to the security of the Nation.
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