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  • How to balance spirituality and everyday life for inner joy

How to balance spirituality and everyday life for inner joy

Happiness or joy is intrinsic. It is within us. It is inner joy, always. Happiness is not just an emotion, rather, it is a state of being. Therefore, one cannot ‘become happpy’ but one must ‘be happpy’. One cannot find happiness in external things like materialism, people and relationships. The happiness that one gains with […]

How to balance spirituality and everyday life for inner joy

Happiness or joy is intrinsic. It is within us. It is inner joy, always. Happiness is not just an emotion, rather, it is a state of being. Therefore, one cannot ‘become happpy’ but one must ‘be happpy’. One cannot find happiness in external things like materialism, people and relationships. The happiness that one gains with these is pleasure, a temporary form of feeling happiness . It is ephemeral. It will be a fleeting feeling that will come and go away in no time. But the happiness that one experiences innately, by being in a state of Consciousness is everlasting and eternal. Spirituality helps one reach this inner state of Consciousness, Awareness and Mindfulness and tap the inner happiness or inner joy within oneself.

You must be wondering that I have spelt happiness incorrectly but no! According to me, happiness has 3 Ps that stand for the three ascending peaks of happiness in Spirituality – ‘Pleasure’ or temporary happiness . Then comes ‘Peace’, which is the foundation of True Everlasting happiness and the highest peak is ‘Purpose’ that comes with Enlightenment. We must ideally experience all these forms of happiness but strive to achieve the third and the highest form – ‘Purpose’. When one attains the purpose of life, they experience Enlightenment and a state of Consciousness in which they attain the Realization of the Truth about life, birth, death and everything beyond simple comprehension. They experience an ever-flowing Eternal Bliss that is experienced in Truth Consciousness, also known as SatChitAnanda. SatChitAnanda is Eternal Bliss, something that is not ephemeral. Therefore, following the path of Spirituality, one can experience the highest form of happiness – SatChitAnanda.

How can one balance Spirituality and everyday life? Spirituality is the science of the Spirit, the Soul or the Atman. It is to understand and more importantly, Realize the Truth about oneself, Self-Realization and further, Realize the Truth about God, God-Realization. Spirituality does not demand one to renounce everything in life and set forth on its path, rather, Spirituality is like a beacon of light that will guide one to live the highest purpose of their life. Thus, we can conclude that there is no need to balance Spirituality and everyday life but one can live their everyday life in a spiritual way. One of the main tenets of Self-Realization of Spirituality is the one is not the body, mind and ego that he identifies with. They are the Soul, the Divine Immortal Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life, which is a part of SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power we call God. An individual on the path of Spirituality, when attains this profound Self-Realization, starts living as an instrument of the Divine, doing only Divine work. He ensures that he does good actions and realizes that it is the Divine that is working through him. When one realizes that Soul is a part of SIP, they realize that they are a manifestation of the Divine Power. Similarly, everyone has a Soul and everyone and everything is a manifestation of the Supreme Immortal Power, the Divine. Inculcating this Realization of the Truth about oneself and others in daily life will improve the quality of the life of the individual and also he will see everyone as Divine, love everyone as Divine and serve everyone as Divine beings. Spirituality also inculcates the beautiful art of acceptance and surrender in an individual. They realize that whatever happens, happens as per the Law of Karma, a fruit of some past deed, which they may or may not remember. Hence, they don’t unnecessarily suffer. They may experience pain but don’t suffer because first, they understand that the situation is due to Karma and secondly, they don’t identify themselves with their body.

Thus, we can conclude this discussion by stating that Spirituality and everyday life are not two different paths. An individual on the spiritual path doesn’t have to balance the two, rather, Spirituality will inspire one to live his everyday life to its fullest potential by always being in a state of Consciousness, mindful of the profound truths of life. Infusing Spirituality in everyday life will lead an individual to experience Everlasting and Eternal Inner Joy, Peace, Love and Bliss.

