Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan’s oldest friend-actor and producer Viveck Vaswani recently spilled the beans on the Pathaan star’s silence over his son Aryan Khan’s arrest in a drug case in October 21. Viveck Vaswani praised SRK for handling the situation with grace and dignity. Viveck Vaswani told onnect FM Canada, “I think he did not want to escalate it, he didn’t open his mouth, neither did Aryan, Gauri or Suhana, it is called grace and dignity.”
For those unaware, the star kid was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) during a raid connection with an alleged drug bust on a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast. He spent 25 days in jail. Later in 2022, Aryan was given a clean chit by the NCB. After the star kid release, the Pathaan star avoided interacting with the media. SRK remained aloof from talking about Aryan’s arrest on any public platform.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Aryan Khan is ready to make his debut as a script writer in Bollywood and is not inclined to acting. Talking about SRK’s darling daughter and his sister Suhana Khan, she is all set to make her Bollywood with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies. On the other hand, SRK is busy shooting for his upcoming films Dunki and Jawan.
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