Bollywood actress Ananya Panday’s cousin Alanna Panday recently tied the knot with Ivor McCray. Now, Alanna’s mom Deanne Panday shared a couple of new pictures featuring the celebrity guests like Jackie Shroff, Neelam Kothari Soni, Tusshar Kapoor, Poonam Sinha, Bobby Deol, and many others. But it was superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s picture that stole the spotlight. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, “So much love.” In one of the pictures, SRK can be seen warmly embracing Deanne Panday and interacting with other guests.
Take a look at Deanne Panday’s Instagram post
Reacting to her post, one of the users wrote, “thank you for sharing these pics.” Another wrote, “My king love SRK.” A third user wrote, “SRK is everywhere.” Many dropped heart emojis in the comment section.
Earlier, a video of SRK and Gauri Khan dancing with Deanne on the dance floor went viral on Instagram. For the occasion, SRK wore a black suit with a white shirt. On the other hand, SRK’s lovely wife was dressed in a green outfit.
Have a look
Previously, the new bride took to her Instagram and shared a heartwarming note with a couple of pictures as husband and wife. Her post read: “Yesterday was a fairy tale, I love you more than anything in the world. Ivor can’t wait to start a family with you.”
Take a look at Alanna Panday’s Instagram post
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