The gorgeous Gehraiyaan actress Ananya Panday’s cousin Alanna Panday tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend Ivor McCray on March 16 at a dreamy wedding ceremony in Mumbai. The wedding ceremony was attended by many Bollywood stars including Shah Rukh Khan and his lovely wife, Gauri Khan. Yesterday, a video of the power couple enjoying the dance performance at Alanna and Ivor’s wedding reception went viral on social media platforms.
The video was shared by one of the fan pages of King Khan. In the viral video, we can see AP Dhillon’s Dil Nu song playing in the background, and soon the power couple also joined the guests on the dance floor. King Khan and Gauri shook a leg to the song. For the wedding reception, the actor chose a white shirt, black blazer, and matching pants. On the other hand, Gauri looked stunning in a green and black coloured gown.
Check out the viral video below
The video of the power couple is doing rounds on social media platforms. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “The unbreakable bond.” Another wrote, “ufff.” A third fan wrote, “wow.” Many dropped heart and fire emojis on the post. On the work front, King Khan was last seen in Siddharth Anand’s Pathaan. Now, he has Dunki and Jawaan in his kitty.
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