Surya Sharma recently impressed fans with his work in ‘Undekhi Season 3’, which premiered on SonyLiv on May 10. The thriller series features him as Rinku, a gangster, and highlights the incidents that take place after a shocking twist of fate. Speaking exclusively to The Daily Guardian, Surya said that he does not find his character to be toxic. He also defended Shahid Kapoor’s character in the Sandeep Vanga-helmed ‘Kabir Singh’ (2019). Moreover, he shed light on his future plans and said that he is keen to explore roles in Bollywood
It was a good experience. ‘Undekhi’ has always been one of the best experiences of my career. My journey started with this show. There was a time during the shoot of the third season when the weather played up but all went well in the end and we had a good time.
Koi major difference toh nahi laga. The first season gave the character a base and highlighted that there were different dimensions to him. More shades came out in the second installment. In this new season, there is an emotional arc. I am blessed to have such an extensive arc. As an actor, I also tried to think from a director’s perspective and deliver what was needed. The director gave us inputs. I listened to them carefully.
Ronit Roy sir comes with a lot of experience. Similarly, Harsh ji too has been around for a long time. I try to learn from their experience and adjust to the environment.
I never heard anyone say that Rinku is toxic. Similarly, did not find Kabir Singh to be toxic. This is just a new word that has cropped up these days. There is a tendency among some to force fancy words into the conversation.
Cricket has its own charm and football ka apna maza hai. Similarly, OTT and the theatrical space have their separate bases and importance. You can’t really watch something like Pathaan on the small screen. Similarly, when one talks about web series, people get to watch the character for a long time and live with it, They go to the office and then watch the show in the evening.
I came from Himachal Pradesh to Mumbai to work. I will do whatever role comes my way. And I will do it with the same dedication I brought to the table for ‘Undekhi’ or ‘Bhakshak’. I always say that my standing as an actor is always given the audience. If they want, I will do commercial Bollywood roles also.
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