Ram Charan expressed immense joy as the Oscar-winning song “Naatu Naatu” from his blockbuster film RRR was featured at the 96th Academy Awards. During the Oscars ceremony on Sunday, visuals of the song were briefly displayed on the big screen as Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo presented the Best Original Song award. Sharing a clip from the ceremony on Instagram, Ram Charan wrote, “Real surprise. On the Oscars stage again. What an honour.”
RRR was also featured in the stunts reel, part of a tribute to stunt coordinators during the ceremony. The official RRR X page shared a clip showing Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt highlighting the contribution of stunt coordinators, calling it “a sweet surprise.”
Notably, “Naatu Naatu” won the Oscar for Best Original Song and was performed live at the ceremony, receiving a standing ovation. Last year, the song also won Best Song at the Golden Globe Awards and Best Foreign Language Film and Best Original Song at the Critics Choice Awards.
Take a look:
However, this year’s Oscars was dominated by Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer,” which received top honors including Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, and Best Film.
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