Celebrating his 39th birthday, actor Ram Charan visited the Tirupati temple to offer prayers with his wife Upasana Kamineni and daughter Klin Kaara early on Wednesday morning. Ram Charan began his birthday in a sacred manner by seeking blessings from Lord Venkateswara. In circulating images and videos, Ram is spotted in a traditional veshti and shirt, while Upasana is adorned in a stunning rani pink saree, holding Klin close as they leave the temple.
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On the professional front, Ram Charan is preparing for the launch of ‘Game Changer,’ co-starring Kiara Advani and directed by S. Shankar. The narrative centres on an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer determined to fight corruption among politicians by promoting fair elections to revolutionize governmental operations. Ram Charan and Kiara previously collaborated in Boyapati Srinu’s 2019 film ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’.
Ram Charan is set to share the screen with Janhvi Kapoor in his 16th film, currently untitled and known as #RC16. The film’s launch recently took place in Hyderabad with a puja ceremony. Directed by Buchi Babu Sana, who made his debut with the National Award-winning film Uppena, it will be released in multiple languages including Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Janhvi Kapoor is cast as the female lead opposite Ram Charan, with Kannada superstar Shiva Rajkumar also starring. A R Rahman is on board to compose the film’s music. Ram Charan shared his enthusiasm about working with Janhvi Kapoor, stating, “Many have longed to see me paired with Janhvi Kapoor” reminiscing about the nostalgia of Jagadeka Veerudu Atiloka Sundari.
Director Sukumar, acclaimed for his films ‘Rangasthalam’ and ‘Pushpa,’ introduces RC16 under the Sukumar Writings banner, in collaboration with Mythri Movie Makers. The film, produced by Venkata Satish Kilaru through Vriddhi Cinemas, promises to be a lavish and prestigious venture.
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