The gorgeous ‘Citadel’ star Priyanka Chopra is busy promoting her upcoming web series ‘Citadel’ in Mumbai. On Thursday, the actress visited Siddhivinayak Temple with her daughter Malti Marie to seek blessings. She also took to her official Instagram handle and shared pictures from their religious outing. In the caption, she wrote, “MM’s first trip to India had to be completed with Shree Siddhivinayak’s blessings #HanumanJayanti #GanpatiBappaMorya.” In the pictures, the actress can be seen holding Malti in her arms and was seen dressed in a traditional outfit. Priyanka and Malti were seen standing in front of Lord Ganesha’s idol inside the temple.
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As soon as the pictures surfaced online, her industry friends flooded the comment section. Dia Mirza and Saif Ali Khan’s sister Saba dropped heart emojis, while Bhumi Pednekar’s sister Samiksha wrote, “So cute.” One of the fans wrote, “Love that you are teaching her Indian traditions so early! Thanks for sharing the importance of our culture to all your followers.” Another wrote, “How come she never gets cranky in any of the pics definitely must be a great mom.”
For those unaware, after arriving in Mumbai, the actress attended the star-stubbed NMACC event, hosted by the Ambanis.
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