The highly anticipated ‘Panchayat Season 3’ featuring Jitendra Kumar, Neena Gupta, and Raghubir Yadav has been officially announced. Prime Video revealed the news at an event in Mumbai and shared on Instagram, “Navigating the murky waters of Phulera politics, Abhishek does his best to maintain his objectivity. #Panchayat3OnPrime #AreYouReady #PrimeVideoPresents.”
The first look poster was also unveiled, showcasing the star-studded cast. Alongside Jitendra Kumar, the series features Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta, Sanvikaa, Chandan Roy, Durgesh Kumar, Ashok Pathak, Faisal Malik, and Sunita Rajwar in pivotal roles. Directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra, the show follows Abhishek, an urban engineering graduate who becomes a Panchayat secretary in the remote village of Phulera, Uttar Pradesh, due to a lack of better job options.
The release date for ‘Panchayat Season 3’ has not been disclosed yet.
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