A new Indian family drama titled ‘Family Aaj Kal’ has been announced and is set to premiere on Sony LIV on April 3. The show is set against the bustling backdrop of Delhi and promises to take the audience on an “emotional rollercoaster through the highs and lows of family life.”
The cast of ‘Family Aaj Kal’ includes Apoorva Arora, Sonali Sachdev, the late Nitesh Pandey, Aakarshan Singh, Prakhar Singh, and Masood Akhtar. The show is produced by Anushka Shah of Civic Studios.
Apoorva Arora, one of the cast members, expressed her excitement about the show, saying, “Being part of Family Aaj Kal lets me highlight an important but often overlooked aspect of modern family life. Playing a character like Meher is a wonderful chance for me to connect with audiences in a way that reflects their daily lives. I’m excited for viewers to meet Meher and her imperfect family.”
‘Family Aaj Kal’ is written by Manoj Kalwani and directed by Parikshit Joshi.
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