Filmmaker Karan Johar recently shared a throwback picture from the set of ‘Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna’ featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji. Taking to Instagram, he expressed his gratitude to Aditya Chopra alongside the nostalgic picture. The candid shot captured Karan, Shah Rukh, and Rani engrossed in conversation on a bench during breaks. Karan and Shah Rukh were dressed in winter clothing, while Rani wore a lehenga with a shawl, her head resting on the bench.
In his caption, Karan expressed his gratitude, saying, “Being a bystander to such incredible talent has been my hugest learning curve… I look back with indelible memories and gratitude. Not a single day I haven’t thanked the universe, Aditya Chopra, and Shah Rukh Khan for convincing me that I could be a storyteller and attempt to direct my childhood dreams on celluloid.”
After Karan shared the pictures, fans and friends flooded the comment section. One fan described the film and the scene as “iconic,” while another expressed gratitude for the film’s existence. “Make a part 2 of this with Aryan and Kajol’s daughter,” suggested a third fan.
Apart from Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji, the movie also featured Abhishek Bachchan and Preity Zinta in prominent roles.
On the work front, Karan is gearing up for the release of the sports drama film ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ starring Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, scheduled to premiere on May 31.
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