Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut took to her official Twitter handle and tweeted against ‘desi kids who speak Hindi in tacky second-hand brit accent’. The gorgeous ‘Queen’ actress said that they are ‘annoying, irritating’. Taking to Twitter, the ‘Queen’ actress reacted to a tweet shared by a person. One of the Twitter users wrote, “Hate me, but we need to do the same, kids in Gurugram only speak in English, but they only barely understand Hindi and forget about speaking Hindi.”
Replying to the person’s tweet, the ‘Queen’ actress wrote,”I know I will invite trolling but honestly English speaking desi kids who speak Hindi in tacky second hand Brit accent are simply annoying and irritating… while kids who have authentic desi accent/swag and who speak Hindi/Sanskrit fluently are top tier (okay hand sign emojis).”
Here’s what Kangana Ranaut tweeted
Reacting to her post, one of the Twitter users wrote, “Language is just a medium, it does not define you. No one needs to be judged for speaking only Hindi or only English…” Another wrote, “Thanks Kangana this observation of yours is spot on.” Meanwhile, on the professional front, fans and followers will see the actress in P Vasu’s Chandramukhi 2 which starred Rajinikanth and Jyothika in the lead roles. Besides this, she will also be seen in the upcoming period drama film Emergency. For those unaware, it marks her first solo directorial film.
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