Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor recounted a funny incident involving her skincare and hair routine, resulting in a humorous situation at her sister Khushi Kapoor’s apartment. Janhvi’s playful actions left Khushi exasperated when she discovered the bathroom in disarray, resembling a messy eatery with scrambled eggs strewn across the tub floor.
During the Airbnb 2024 event, Janhvi Kapoor discussed the challenges of maintaining her skin and hair, especially due to her frequent travels. She reminisced about a visit to her sister’s place while she was studying in New York, where Janhvi improvised her hair and skincare routine with whatever fruits or ingredients she could find. On that particular occasion, she discovered coconut milk, olive oil, a few eggs, and an avocado in the fridge.
She said, “I blended it and I put it in my hair, and I found strawberries and yogurt, which is great for the skin, and I put it on my face. And I was having a great time. I had my shower, and I didn’t realise that I had a shower with such piping hot water that the egg cooked in my hair. And so, there were scrambled eggs on the floor of the tub, and there were chunks of strawberries everywhere.”
Despite the disorder, Janhvi Kapoor opted to overlook the chaos and spent her day leisurely watching television.
The actor said, “I was watching TV and Khushi goes to the bathroom, and I hear this scream, like she has screamed like I don’t know what has happened. And she was like, ‘Get out of my apartment, you have made my bathroom like the back area of some dirty restaurant.’ That was the last time we shared a room.”
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