Aindrila Sharma, a Bengali actor, passed away on Sunday after a protracted illness. The 24-year-condition old’s reportedly got worse since she had several cardiac arrests in the night between Saturday and Sunday. After experiencing a brain stroke on November 1, she spent more than two weeks being treated at a hospital in Kolkata. Numerous performers in the Bengali entertainment sector paid respect to the young actor.
According to the sources, Aindrila, who was on ventilator support, suffered multiple cardiac arrests on Saturday night. She died at 12.59 pm despite efforts by the medical team present to revive her. The actor had been rushed to a hospital in Kolkata on November 1 after she suffered a brain stroke. She had been on ventilator support over the last several days. She had also undergone a surgery during her 20-day stay in the hospital.
Many actors from the Bengali industry took to Twitter to mourn her death. “Stay in peace Aindrila. Let Aindrila’s will power be our inspiration,” tweeted Prosenjit Chatterjee. Actor Jeet extended condolences to Aindrila’s boyfriend, actor Sabyasachi Chowdhury, and wrote, “My deepest condolences for her family & fans..Stay strong #SabyasachiChowdhury no words can suffice the pain you are going through.” Composer and filmmaker Indraadip Dasgupta tweeted, “Long live Aindrila in our hearts and memories…. It’s just a transition for a soul like you to the next level …. You are the best.”
Aindrila’s boyfriend Sabyasachi debunked rumours that she had passed away on Facebook on Saturday by writing that she had been getting better. Later, when it became clear that she was becoming worse, he removed his Facebook posts.
Aindrila appeared in TV programmes like Jibon Jyoti and Jiyon Kathi after making her acting debut in Jhumur. She also had appearances in a few OTT Bengali films. She had twice battled cancer.
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