Senior actor Anupam Kher attended the prayer meet of his late friend-actor Satish Kaushik on Monday. Post the meet, Anupam shared a video along with an emotional farewell note for his late friend on Instagram. He also added the song Do Lafzon Ki Hai Dil Ki Kahani from The Great Gambler in the background. The Kashmir files actor wrote in Hindi, “Ja! Tujhe maaf kiya! Mujhe akela chhod kar jaane ke liye! I will surely find you in people’s laughter! But will miss our friendship on a day to day basis!! Alvida mera dost! Tera favourite gana lagaya hai background mein! Tu bhi kya yaad karega! #SatishKaushik #Friend #Friendship #OmShanti.”
Take a look at Anupam Kher’s Instagram post
One of his fans wrote in the comment section “You both are a true example of friendship.”
The Kashmir Files actor was seen walking along with Satish Kaushik’s wife Shashi Kaushik, holding her daughter Vanshika’s hand at the prayer meet. Apart from Anupam Kher, many Bollywood celebs attended the prayer meet of the late actor like Boney Kapoor, Gulshan Grover, Vivek Agnihotri, Javed Akhtar, Jackie Shroff, and Vidya Balan.
Meanwhile, Satish Kaushik died from cardiac arrest hours after the Holi celebration on March 8 in Delhi. His sudden demise was caused by a heart attack.
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