The gorgeous Tanu Weds Manu actress Kangana Ranaut has taken a dig at Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh for allegedly supporting Khalistanis amid a police crackdown against Amritpal Singh. The actress took to her Instagram stories and shared a post from Swiggy India. The post shows a variety of pulses. In the caption, she wrote, “[Diljit Dosanjh] ji pols aa gayi pols.” In another Instagram story, the Tanu Weds Manu actress wrote, “All those who supported Khalistanis remember tumhara hai, pols aa chuki hai, yeh woh waqt nahi hai jab koi bhi kuch bhi karta hai, desh ke saath gaddari ya tukde karne ki koshish aab mehengi padegi…”
Take a look at Kangana Ranaut’s Instagram story
For the unversed, they have previously engaged in a war of words in 2020. A Twitter spat between Kangana Ranaut, and Diljit Dosanjh took place over the contentious farm bill. It all started when the actress shared false information about an elderly Sikh woman. Her post angered many celebs including Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress was last seen in Thalaivii with Arvind Swami. A.L. Vijay’s directorial managed to impress the actress’s fans and followers. Also, her portrayal of J Jayalalithaa won praise. Her latest films also include Dhaakad and Tejas.
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