The Ambani family is gearing up for the second round of pre-wedding celebrations for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, scheduled from May 29 to June 1. However, amidst the wedding buzz, they have another extravagant event in the works: a grand birthday celebration for their granddaughter Veda, daughter of Akash and Shloka Ambani, who turns one on May 31.
Titled ‘V Turns One Under the Sun,’ the celebration is set to be hosted on a luxurious cruise and will feature a playful dress code. The Ambani family welcomed their granddaughter Veda on May 31, 2023, and now intend to mark the occasion in grand style.
Meanwhile, Anant Ambani’s second pre-wedding bash is anticipated to be a star-studded affair akin to the first one held in Jamnagar last month. Notable Bollywood celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Raha Kapoor, Salman Khan, Ranveer Singh, and others are expected to attend the festivities in Italy.
The four-day extravaganza kicks off with a lunch party themed ‘Classic Cruise’ followed by an evening event titled ‘Starry Night,’ where guests are encouraged to wear Western formals. The second day’s theme is ‘Roman Holiday,’ with a chic tourist dress code during the day and a Greco-Roman Toga Party in the evening.
On Day 3, the focus shifts to the birthday celebration for Veda, followed by the concluding event, ‘La Dolce Vita.’ With such opulent plans in motion, the Ambani family continues to set the bar high for extravagant celebrations.
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