Indian tennis player Sania Mirza has travelled to Mecca ahead of Ramadan to perform Umrah along with her family. Now, she took to Instagram and shared a couple of pictures. The pictures feature her son Izhaan Mirza Malik, her parents Imran Mirza and Nasima Mirza, sister Anam Mirza and her husband Mohammed Asaduddin. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “Allhamdulillah May Allah accept our prayers..”
In the first picture shared by Sania, she and her son Izhaan Mirza Malik looked at each other. In the second picture, the ace tennis player held her sister’s daughter in her arms. She also posed with her parents Imran Mirza and Nasima Mirza in one of the pictures. As soon as the pictures surfaced online, her fans and followers rushed to the comment section and showered love on her favourite tennis player. Many also asked Sania about her husband-cricketer Shoaib Malik. One of her fans wrote, “Where is Shoaib Malik?”
Sania Mirza’s sister Anam Mirza also shared a couple of pictures on Instagram. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “There is indescribable peace & joy here! So grateful to be here. Allamdulillah….[Al Khalid Tours] thank you for planning this for us!”
Take a look at Anam Mirza’s Instagram post
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