Bollywood actor Swara Bhasker on Thursday participated in Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra in Ujjain. The actor arrived in Indore on Wednesday and was due to accompany Rahul Gandhi on a walk this morning. Along with Swara Bhasker, other Bollywood stars participating in the yatra include Pooja Bhatt, Sushant Singh, Rashmi Desai, Riya Sen, and Amol Palekar.
Swara Bhasker, who is well known for her anti-BJP opinions, offered support for the yatra as it started and praised Rahul Gandhi’s efforts despite electoral setbacks, trolling, and personal attacks.
“Credit where due.. Despite electoral defeats, trolling, personal attacks & constant critique abt being ineffective, @RahulGandhi has neither succumbed to communal rhetoric nor sensationalist politics. Given the situation of this country effort like @bharatjodo is commendable!” Swara tweeted in October.
Recently, the BJP asserted that actors receive compensation for their “guest appearance” in the yatra, an allegation that Pooja Bhatt, who accompanied Rahul Gandhi in Hyderabad, vehemently rejected. Nitesh Rane, a leader in the Maharashtra BJP, posted a screenshot of what appeared to be a WhatsApp message that asked performers participate at their own time slots. The Congress similarly rejected the BJP’s assertion and asserted that participants in the yatra are committed to the cause.
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