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  • 5 Reasons Students Should Be Taught About Growth Mindsets

5 Reasons Students Should Be Taught About Growth Mindsets

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” – George Bernard Shaw From people’s perceptions to their motivation and indulgence, a lot is associated with their mindsets. This is why it is often discussed how important it is to have the right mindset to accomplish extraordinary things. In the context of education or learning, the […]

5 Reasons Students Should Be Taught About Growth Mindsets

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” – George Bernard Shaw From people’s perceptions to their motivation and indulgence, a lot is associated with their mindsets. This is why it is often discussed how important it is to have the right mindset to accomplish extraordinary things. In the context of education or learning, the importance of mindsets is equally considerable if not more.

Besides, when we talk about mindsets in the context of learning or in general, we often come across the debate between fixed mindsets and growth mindsets. Speaking of students, it is often argued that a growth mindset is the way forward and the greatest inspiration for hard work. To elucidate, the theory of a fixed mindset states that intelligence is a natural attribute and cognitive abilities are inflexible. On the contrary, the theory of a growth mindset narrates that intellect, intelligence, and abilities can be constantly optimized with consistent hard work and continuous learning. Growth mindsets endorse the idea that irrespective of innate abilities, people can accomplish exceptional results solely on the basis of persistent hard work. This article delves into the reasons why teachers should ensure that they teach their students about the wonders of a growth mindset. The article delineates how growth mindsets work and how they can benefit students in an unimaginable way. So, let us get started without further ado. 

Ways in which growth mindsets enlighten students

  1. Growth mindsets emphasize the process

It is such a key thing that teachers or educators make students believe more in the process than the outcome. If teachers lay greater emphasis on grades and achievements, the real process of learning is bound to get overshadowed. Having said that, the most exceptional teachers would rather focus on creating importance around consistency and hard work as the pillars of effective learning.

This is exactly the notion that growth mindsets propagate. When teachers are successful in explaining growth mindsets to students and fostering the same among them, students will fall in love with the process. They will be convinced to believe that they can enhance results byoptimizing the process of learning via greater hard work.

In fact, irrespective of natural intelligence, all students will begin to invest their faith in the idea that they can upscale their intelligence and abilities through continuous learning. When they have the right mindset towards the process, progress will follow on its own. This explains why teachers need to be smart in cultivating the concept of growth mindsets among students.

  1. Growth mindsets encourage intrinsic motivation

Teachers often face the challenge of a low engagement or dismal student motivation in the classroom. While there could be several reasons for low engagement among students, lack of self-belief can be a common cause. A large number of students feel inferior when they compare themselves with others. They tend to feel overwhelmed thinking they are not as intelligent or shrewd as others and hence they view the scope of their success as being quite bleak.

For sure, all educators would want to assist their students in getting over such negativity and finding the right motivation to excel in learning objectives. This is where exposing students to the concept of growth mindsets will prove to be a brilliant idea. Students need to be motivated in a way such that they do not see intelligence as being a fixed attribute. They should feel motivated about the fact that with consistent learning and additional effort, they too can boost their intelligence.

The greater their intrinsic motivation the higher will be their optimism in them to push the limits away for systematic self-improvement. They need the right motivation to perceive achievements as being as attainable for them as for others who they may think are more intelligible. Having said that, facilitating learning by creating greater awareness around growth mindsets can be a great approach to teaching. Needless to say, with the right optimism, students can even move mountains.

  1. Growth mindsets assist in goal setting

 Goal setting is an imperative and indispensable aspect of success. People who know the art of setting goals and executing their plans well often have higher chances of acclaiming success. Having said that, effective goal setting is equally important for students. However, there is a great chance that goal setting will remain constrained when students do not align their mindsets with the idea of growth.

For effective goal setting, students should be able to visualize the prospects of growth and success. This is what will keep them going with great consistency in the pursuit of great results in terms of academics of career success. Hence, when they are introduced to growth mindsets and how growth should be approached, they will see a massive hike in their goal-setting abilities. Once they start setting SMART Goals, there is no way they cannot achieve what they aspire to.

  1. Growth mindsets inspire broader horizons

Learning becomes far more wholesome when students have broader perspectives, imaginations, and mindsets. With an open mind, students can grasp knowledge in a moreeffective way and explore the logic behind things in a more critical way. Besides, with a more flexible mindset, they will remain curious to go beyond textbook knowledge for a more lucid understanding of the subject matter.

In this entire process, students will feel more curious and empowered to put in more effort and produce great outcomes. This will happen the best when students associate with the prowess of growth mindsets. A growth mindset is exactly the mindset that they need to explore new horizons of knowledge and understanding for a brighter future. Hence, teaching students about growth mindsets should make complete sense to teachers and educators across the globe. In fact, it has to be one of the parameters of great teaching.

  1. Growth mindsets enable effective reflection

 When people chase massive goals, it is significant that they reflect on their progress and journeys to see how far they have come. When they know how far they have traversed, they will also learn how much distance they are yet to cover to reach their destination. With a growth mindset, students can effectively evaluate their progress and reflect on their pursuits in a more holistic way.

All in all, it is true that growth mindsets provide a completely different school of thought which is more positive and result-oriented than a fixed mindset. The sooner students are introduced to the construct and benefits of a growth mindset, the better it is for their academic goals and career ambitions. However, a teacher’s effectiveness will be measured more in terms of how brilliantly they make students believe in growth mindsets rather than just introducing the same.
