Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela recently took to her official Instagram handle and shared a picture of a fan’s placard from a recent IPL match attended by the cricketer Rishabh Pant. It has been rumoured that they had a brief relationship in the past. The cricketer attended the IPL match to support his team, the Delhi Capitals which was playing against the Gujarat Titans in Delhi.
Take a look at Urvashi Rautela’s Instagram post
One of the cricketer’s fans held up a placard that read, “Thank God Urvashi is not here.” Urvashi, in turn, shared the picture on Instagram. In the caption, she wrote, “Why?” Fans found the situation hilarious. One of the fans wrote, “She hasn’t mentioned Rautela, so ignore.” Another commented, “Urvashi, Urvashi, take it easy, Urvashi.” The cricketer fans also took to the comment section and wrote, “Bhai ko fark nahi padta.”
Years ago, there were rumours that they were involved romantically, but neither of them confirmed the relationship. Previously, the actress was called out for allegedly stalking the cricketer after she shared a picture of Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani International Hospital on Instagram after Rishabh shifted to the hospital. Her Instagram post was met with backlash from Instagram users who trolled the actress on grounds of alleged harassment.
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