Kerala Police arrested four workers of the Youth Congress, associated with the Kerala Students Union (KSU), in connection with the alleged creation of fake ID cards during the party’s recent organisational polls. The arrested individuals, Fenil Ninan, Binol Binu, Abhinandh Vikram, and Vikas Krishnan, all hail from the Pathanamthitta constituency and are reportedly close aides of Rahul Mankoottathil, the recently elected state Youth Congress president.
The arrests came following a complaint by BJP state president K Surendran and DYFI state president A A Rahim regarding the creation of fake ID cards. A special investigation team was formed to probe the matter, resulting in the seizure of laptops and mobile phones from the accused. Police reported the confiscation of 24 fake ID cards.
Expressing shock over the incident, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into the matter. He raised questions about the credibility of such actions, calling it unprecedented and highlighting the seriousness with which all agencies are approaching the issue.
Chief Minister Vijayan criticized the Congress, stating that they could go to any extent against political rivals. He pointed out the contradiction between the Congress’s self-proclaimed democratic nature and its alleged lack of transparency in internal elections. However, Youth Congress state president Rahul Mankoottom defended the transparency of the Youth Congress election, dismissing the allegations as baseless and suggesting BJP President K Surendran’s involvement in election malpractice.
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