On Thursday, Indian WWE wrestler Saurav Gurjar performed prayers at the Mahakaleshwar temple in the Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh. Gurjar also came to watch the Bhasma Aarti here. Offering with ashes is known as “bhasma aarti” in this place. It is carried out between three and five in the morning, or “Brahma Muhurta.” Om Sharma, the temple’s priest, claims that prior to the Bhasma Aarti, Baba Mahakal was given a holy bath with water and underwent Panchamrit Mahabhishek, during which the lord was anointed with milk, curd, ghee, honey, and fruit juices. Following that, Bhang and dry fruits were used to decorate Baba Mahakal.
Thereafter Bhasma aarti was performed amid beating drums and blowing conch shells.Gurjar added that he wished for the entire country to maintain happiness, peace and prosperity in the country.
Speaking about Sanatan Dharma, he said, “In the coming time the whole world will believe Sanatan Dharma and it will grow further.”
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