In the Samba sector along the Indo-Pak border, women serving in the Border Security Force (BSF) endure extreme conditions daily. Under the relentless 45-degree Celsius sun, these committed women patrol without respite, demonstrating unwavering dedication to their duty and the nation’s security.
Despite the intense heat wave, these women prioritize the country’s safety over personal comfort, showcasing their sacrifice and patriotism. Their high morale and steadfast presence at the front lines inspire all citizens, symbolizing duty and honor.
“Be it heat wave or shivering cold, nothing can deter our grit and determination. Our lakshya is to ensure the safety and security of our country, come what may be,” beamed Constable Kuldeep Kour on patrol duty.
On one side lies Pakistan; on the other, an unforgiving heat wave. In this harsh environment, they also face the added threat of snakes, which become more active during the intense heat and monsoon season.
“To protect ourselves from snakes, we carry carbonic acid with us during our daily patrol duty,” said another woman BSF personnel.
In addition, they have dug trenches around their bunkers to prevent snakes from entering. As if these challenges weren’t enough, they must also be prepared for scorpion bites, carrying medicine to treat the stings. Every day is a test of endurance and vigilance as they navigate the dangers posed by both nature and their geopolitical situation.
These women BSF warriors are not just defending the border; they are role models demonstrating resilience and determination. Their efforts ensure that no enemy plans succeed, maintaining the security and peace of the nation.
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