WhatsApp, owned by Meta, disclosed in its latest monthly report that it banned more than 71 lakh accounts in India during November 2023. Out of this, over 19 lakh accounts were banned proactively, without waiting for user reports of policy violations. The messaging platform also addressed over 8,000 grievances from users during the same month, acting on six requests received by its Grievance Officer to comply with the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules (2021). WhatsApp remains committed to adhering to the regulatory framework and user concerns.
The report states that the bans were imposed on accounts registered with the +91 international prefix, highlighting a significant proactive approach by WhatsApp. The platform utilizes on-platform abuse detection systems to identify policy violations independently of user reports. Users can report accounts, and WhatsApp also responds to grievances received via designated channels, including emails and postal correspondence.
In November 2023, WhatsApp’s Grievance Officer addressed six requests, including one related to ban appeals, and handled miscellaneous support queries. The company received 8,841 grievances during the month and complied with 8 orders issued by the Grievance Appellate Committee, reinforcing its commitment to transparency and compliance with India’s IT Rules (2021).
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