The Special Cell of Delhi Police arrested Ramniwas, alias Mogli, a wanted shooter associated with the Deepak Boxer Gogi gang, on Wednesday. Mogli was involved in recent firing incidents in Nangloi and Alipur. On November 4, Mogli and his associates targeted business establishments in both locations, leading to police recovering multiple firearms from their possession.
According to the Special Cell’s statement, “On 4.11.24, two separate incidents of gunfire occurred at Shree Lakshmi Plywood in Nangloi and the office of Goel Properties in Alipur. These incidents were reported under FIR No. 760/24 in PS Nangloi and FIR No. 699/24 in PS Alipur.” The FIRs included charges related to attempted murder and violations under the Arms Act.
The investigation was assigned to the Special Cell, which utilized CCTV footage and human intelligence to identify Mogli as one of the shooters. Police learned he would be near Khera Canal in the Shahbad Dairy area on November 13. A raid was carried out, and when Mogli approached on a motorcycle, officers attempted to stop him. Mogli lost control of the bike, fell, and then fired at the police. In self-defense, officers returned fire, injuring him in the left leg. He was apprehended and taken to the hospital.
During the raid, police recovered several items from Mogli, including a semi-automatic .32 caliber pistol, a country-made pistol, and a stolen motorcycle. Mogli, who has been involved in at least 10 previous criminal cases, is currently under investigation. The crime team, FSL, and PCR were called to the scene for further inquiries.
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