Pushkar Singh Dhami, the chief minister of Uttarakhand, spoke at the prestigious “New Delhi roadshow” in preparation for the upcoming December 8–9 Uttarakhand Global Investors Summit 2023. The Chief Minister emphasized the state’s ongoing efforts to transform Uttarakhand into a prosperous and developed region during his speech. According to Dhami, “We recently signed investment agreements worth over Rs 12,000 crores in London and Birmingham as part of our efforts to make Uttarakhand a developed state.”
During a trip to London and Birmingham, he announced that recent efforts had led to the signing of investment agreements totaling more than Rs 12,000 crores. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) worth Rs 15,000 crores was signed by the Uttarakhand Government and JSW Neo Energy Limited during the roadshow event in Delhi, which was a significant development. The MOU outlines strategies for the construction of two pumped storage projects in the picturesque Almora neighborhood, each of which will generate 1500 MW.
The visit to the United Kingdom from September 25 to 28 saw Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami embark on a four-day trip aimed at promoting global investment opportunities in Uttarakhand.
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