Yashpal Benam, a BJP leader, cancelled his daughter’s marriage to a Muslim man in Uttarakhand’s Pauri Garhwal on Saturday with “mutual consent” with the groom’s family after the wedding invitation card’s picture went viral on social media, sparking a “controversy.”
The marriage ceremony for the BJP leader’s daughter was set for 28 May. “The wedding to be held on May 28 now has been cancelled,” the BJP leader told media persons on Saturday.
“Being a public representative, I did not want my daughter’s marriage to take place under the protection of the police and the administration. I respect public sentiments,” he added.
Benam stated that the marriage was agreed upon with the consent of both families, but had to be called off when certain issues arose.
He further added that “My daughter was going to get married to a Muslim youth. Keeping in view the happiness and future of the children, both families had decided to get them married, for which the cards were also printed and shared. But after the invitation card for the wedding went viral on social media, many types of things came to the fore objecting to the wedding.”
He continued “After the controversy erupted, with mutual consent, both families decided not to carry out the marriage rituals for the time being.”
He did, however, state that the decision on his daughter’s marriage to the same man would be made in consultation with family, well-wishers, and the groom’s side.
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