The Delhi High Court on Friday granted interim bail to four co-owners of a basement in Old Rajinder Nagar, linked to the tragic deaths of three IAS aspirants. The bail is valid until January 30, 2025. Justice DK Sharma, who presided over the case, also directed the co-owners to deposit Rs 5 crore to the Red Cross Society and requested the Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Delhi to form a committee to regulate coaching centers operating in unsanctioned basements.
Co-Owners Held Liable for Unlawful Use of Basement
Justice Sharma remarked that the actions of the co-owners were “unpardonable” and driven by “greed.” The court’s decision follows a CBI investigation revealing that the basement was designated solely for storage but was unlawfully used as a coaching center, endangering lives. The illegal use of the basement was a direct factor in the tragic incident, according to the court.
Delhi High Court Orders Further Investigation
On Thursday, the Delhi High Court also ordered the CBI to submit a status report addressing the causes of waterlogging in the area, along with rainfall data from the day of the incident. The CBI claimed that the co-owners were fully aware of the risks associated with using the basement as a classroom, particularly given prior warnings from local residents.
Co-Owners’ Plea for Bail Cites “Act of God”
Despite the trial court denying their earlier bail plea, the co-owners approached the Delhi High Court, arguing that they were not named in the FIR and had cooperated fully with the investigation. They also asserted that the incident was caused by heavy rain, labeling it an “act of God,” and partially blamed the civic authorities for the area’s faulty sewer system.
The co-owners’ defense further contended that vicarious liability does not apply in this case, emphasizing that criminal responsibility should lie only with those directly involved in the criminal act.
Also read:
Delhi UPSC Aspirants’ Deaths: Key Demands Of Hunger Strike Protesters
Accountability For The UPSC’s ASPIRANTS’ DEATH Must Be Fixed
High Court Requests LG to Form Committee on Basement Coaching Centers
In a broader ruling, the court urged the Lieutenant Governor to establish a committee supervised by a retired High Court judge to ensure that no coaching centers operate in basements without proper authorization across Delhi.
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