A tragic incident occurred in Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, where a 16-year-old boy named Farhan lost his life while attempting to create an Instagram reel. His unfortunate demise was captured on the mobile phones of his friends and subsequently circulated on social media.
Farhan’s intention was to include a speeding train as a background element in his reel. Regrettably, his attempt at this stunt went terribly wrong, resulting in a collision with the train.
The distressing video, which has been widely shared on social media platforms, shows the train striking the boy and propelling him into the air before he crashes to the ground. This tragic accident took place in the vicinity of the Jahangirabad police station.
The authorities have taken the necessary steps, including conducting a post-mortem examination and initiating an investigation into the incident.
It is worth noting that earlier this year, another incident occurred in Chhattisgarh’s Bilaspur district, where a 20-year-old man tragically fell to his death while filming an Instagram reel with his friends at a college.
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