In a tragic incident near Bengaluru, four boys from Kempapura met with a fatal accident while returning from a late-night birthday celebration. The group had enjoyed dinner at a popular biryani spot in Hoskote when the car, driven by a minor, attempted to overtake a vehicle on the Satellite Town Ring Road near Attibele village. The maneuver led to a collision with a truck, followed by impact from another vehicle, causing the car to veer off and crash into a roadside barrier.
Following the initial collision, two of the boys, Siddarth (16) and Harshavardhan (17), seated in the back, panicked and exited the vehicle, attempting to cross the road’s median. Tragically, they were struck by an oncoming truck heading from Devanahalli to Hoskote, resulting in their immediate demise. The other two boys, seated in the front and wearing seat belts, sustained minor injuries and are recovering.
Authorities have taken legal action against the minor driver and his father for allowing him to drive. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of road safety measures.
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