On Wednesday, July 31, a tragic incident unfolded in Ganesh Nagar near Pune when a faulty iron gate collapsed, leading to the death of a three-and-a-half-year-old girl named Girija Ganesh Shinde. The heart-wrenching accident was captured by a CCTV camera from a nearby house and has since gone viral online.
The footage shows a group of children playing near the gate, attempting to close it. As Girija walked by with another child, the gate unexpectedly fell. The children scattered in panic, but Girija was caught under the gate and could not escape.
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Neighbours and her parents rushed to the scene, only to find Girija lying in a pool of blood. ANI reports confirm that she succumbed to her severe injuries. DCP Shivaji Pawar stated, “The gate fell on the deceased when another child tried to pull it. We have registered an Accidental Death Report and will investigate the case.” He added that the girl’s parents are in shock.
The disturbing CCTV footage has sparked outrage online, with many expressing concern over child safety. One user commented, “The contractor who fitted that gate should be questioned and jailed,” while another said, “This is so saddening and the poor child had to bear the consequences of someone’s mistake.”
Another comment read, “Common mistake not to put a stopper in such gates.” This incident echoes a similar tragedy from December 2023, when a six-year-old boy in Muradnagar, Ghaziabad, died after an iron gate fell on him while he was playing near his house.
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