On Wednesday afternoon, commuters again became victims of a huge jam on the Ambala Chandigarh Highway. Actually, a truck had broken down on the Derabassi Railway Over Bridge and it took 3 hours to remove it by sending a hydra. During this time, the movement of vehicles remained blocked for 4 hours. At 5:00 pm, the traffic condition slowly started becoming normal. People had to face a lot of trouble.
On Wednesday, Derabassi Railway Over Bridge and Derabassi Flower Road were completely filled with queues of vehicles for 4 hours. Derabassi Traffic Incharge Jaspal Singh said that a loaded truck had broken down on the railway overbridge. Its wheels were jammed and it could not be towed. It took 2 hours for the hydra to reach the spot. He said that the caretaker company of Ambala Chandigarh four-lane highway should make arrangements for the hydra. For this, a hydra should also be present at Derabassi station, but this time also the police arranged for the hydra. Due to the breakdown of the truck on the railway overbridge, traffic was moving in only a single lane.
The traffic was diverted from Derabassi to Mubarakpur, which comes back to Bhakharpur and meets there, but there was a jam situation in Bhakharpur also, due to which people had to face a lot of trouble.
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