Uttar Pradesh Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Avanish Awasthi and ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar met the family of the alleged gangrape victim in Balrampur on Sunday. The 22-yearold woman had died after she was allegedly gangraped in the district on 29 September. The victim, a secondyear B. Com student, had gone to a college in a nearby town to pay her fees on Tuesday. According to the family, she also worked in a private firm.
Later in the night, the woman reportedly came home in a rickshaw in a semiconscious state. She had a cannula injected in her hand which indicated that she had undergone treatment. Family members said that the woman looked dazed and in a serious condition. The family rushed her to a nearby hospital, but she died on the way.
The two accused, Shahid and Sahil, have been arrested.
Awasthi said that he assured all help to the family. He said that they wanted strict punishment for the accused which will be ensured. “I have asked the district officials to remain in touch with the victim’s family,” he said.
With IANS inputs
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