Following the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal’s aide, Bibhav Kumar, by the Delhi police in an alleged assault case, his father spoke out against what he perceives as injustice. He emphasized that in the 15 years Bibhav has been with Delhi CM Kejriwal, there have been no complaints against him. Bibhav’s father, Maheshwar Rai, revealed that the BJP has been pressuring Bibhav to distance himself from Kejriwal, implying that doing so would spare him harm. He recounted the incident where Bibhav allegedly confronted Swati Maliwal, asserting that Bibhav merely prevented her from meeting Kejriwal without permission and did not physically harm her.
Bibhav’s background as a student at Banaras Hindu University and his practice of journalism in Delhi were also highlighted. Hailing from Bihar’s Khudru village, Bibhav is described as coming from a socially engaged family with a history of supporting the underprivileged. Former village head Lal Sahib Yadav vouched for Bibhav’s character, denying any criminal inclinations and attributing the situation to political motives.
Despite Bibhav’s arrest, he expressed readiness to cooperate with the ongoing investigation into Maliwal’s assault claim. Simultaneously, he urged authorities to consider his own complaint, where he accused Maliwal of unauthorized entry, verbal abuse, and threats, while alleging BJP involvement.
As details emerged regarding Maliwal’s medical examination report, citing bruises on her left leg and right cheek, questions surrounding the incident intensified. The report, following Maliwal’s examination at AIIMS Delhi, shed light on the physical aftermath of the alleged altercation.
Earlier, an FIR had been filed by Delhi Police based on Maliwal’s complaint against Bibhav, alleging physical assault, including slapping and dragging, while she continued to scream.
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