In a harrowing incident, a thief in Delhi stole a car with two children inside, prompting a frantic ransom demand of Rs 50 lakh from the parents. The dramatic turn of events unfolded late Friday night in the Laxmi Nagar area.
According to police reports, the parents had momentarily left their two children, aged two and eleven, inside a parked car with the engine running and the air conditioning on while they visited a nearby confectionery shop, Heera Sweets. During this brief absence, the thief seized the opportunity, opened the car door, and drove off with the children still inside.
Upon returning to the car, the parents discovered it missing along with their children. Shortly after, the kidnapper contacted the children’s mother via her phone, demanding a hefty ransom for their safe return.
Swift action by the Delhi Police ensued as soon as the complaint was lodged. A rescue team launched a high-speed chase involving approximately 20 police vehicles, tracking the kidnapper through technical surveillance. After a tense three-hour pursuit spanning multiple districts, the thief abandoned the vehicle with the children unharmed inside and managed to evade capture.
“The kidnapper kept changing routes to evade police, ultimately abandoning the vehicle in Wazirabad. He fled the scene upon realizing the police were closing in,” explained Additional DCP East, Avnish Kumar. Authorities recovered the children safely and returned them to their relieved parents.
Police discovered that the kidnapper, armed with a hammer and a knife, left behind valuables including jewellery and mobile phones in the haste to escape capture. CCTV footage from the area is being scrutinized to identify and apprehend the suspect, with investigations ongoing.
“The suspect will be apprehended soon as our investigation progresses,” assured Kumar, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to bring the perpetrator to justice.
The incident has sparked concern over child safety and vigilance, urging parents to exercise caution and avoid leaving children unattended in vehicles, even momentarily.
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