Chief minister Nitish Kumar inaugurated, the planetarium cum Science Museum built in Polytechnic College campus located in Bela in Darbhanga district during his Samadhan Yatra. The Planetarium is designed as Bihar’s green building concept. The work of the first phase has been done in about 88 crores. It has 150 seats, an auditorium for 300 and an orientation hall for 50 have been built. All the science subject content will be fully 3D.
There will be solar parking pathway, roof of garden have been made, apart from this, cafeteria, lobby, science gallery, service building and lotus pond have also been constructed. Mithila will get new identity in the field of science with its commencement. The students here will get a lot of help in the research of astronomy. Along with education, arts and literature, tourism will get boost.
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