In the early hours of Tuesday, a 60-year-old man was discovered dead in his apartment in Thane, Maharashtra. Authorities revealed the man had been struggling with mental health issues. The exact time and cause of death are still unknown, and an investigation is underway, according to Yasin Tadvi, chief of the Thane Municipal Corporation’s disaster management cell.
At 12:26 am, the local fire station received an alert about a body in a flat located in the Hans Nagar locality near Siddeshwar Talao. Fire personnel and the regional disaster management team promptly arrived at the scene, where they found the decomposed body lying in the apartment, which had been opened by some neighbors.
Neighbors had reported a foul smell emanating from the flat, prompting them to break open the door. Upon inquiry, the deceased was identified, and it was confirmed that he had been suffering from mental health problems.
The Naupada police also arrived shortly after the discovery. They sent the body to a government hospital for a postmortem examination and have registered a case of accidental death. The investigation is ongoing.
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