A terrorist was killed in an encounter with security forces after gunmen opened fire on a house in the Hiranagar area of Kathua district in Jammu and Kashmir, announced Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday. Initial reports indicate that residents of Saida Sukhal village heard gunshots and alerted authorities upon sighting two to three gunmen in the vicinity. The gunmen allegedly fired shots before fleeing into nearby forests. Responding swiftly, police and the Border Security Force (BSF) launched a joint operation to track down the suspected individuals.
Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh described the incident as a terrorist attack on the house of an unnamed individual near the international border. Singh maintained close communication with DC Kathua Rakesh Minhas and SSP Kathua Anayat Ali Choudhary, who were overseeing the situation on-site.
“The owner of the attacked house (name withheld) is also in communication via mobile phone. A joint operation by police and paramilitary forces is underway. One terrorist has been neutralized so far. My office and I are closely monitoring the developments,” posted the minister on X.
This incident follows closely on the heels of a terrorist attack two days ago, when militants targeted a bus carrying pilgrims in the Reasi district of Jammu, resulting in the death of nine individuals and injuring another 42. Security officials suspect the involvement of the Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba in this strike.
On the ground, extensive efforts to track down terrorists entered their second day on Tuesday. Eleven teams of security personnel, comprising police, Army, and CRPF, are actively pursuing leads in the Ranso-Poni-Treyath belt, where the attack occurred. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Udhampur-Reasi Range, Rayees Mohammad Bhat, reported that significant progress has been made as the teams work diligently to neutralize the fleeing terrorists. “The search operation continues today in and around the area where the attack took place, with 11 teams on the ground, along with a multi-directional cordon laid around the Poni-Treyath belt,” another senior police officer confirmed.
More details awaited.
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